ISDA 資安實作能力認證 – 內容簡介
台灣資訊安全聯合發展協會(簡稱ISDA),長期致力於資訊安全教育與發展(Cybersecurity Education and Development),透過資安實作能力訓練平台(WarGame)以及認證(Certification),藉由一系列的資安實作關卡(Games/Levels),訓練學員們資安相關知識、技術與能力,依照不同強度等級的資安實作考試,來測驗與頒發相關的ISDA資安實作認證,真正可將所學的資安知識學以致用,資安技能加以充分發揮,達到資安業界實戰能力之認可。
ISDA 資安實作 – 專業知識認證
– ISDA Certificated Security WarGame Expertise (CSWE)
WarGame Expertise #1 | 檔案資訊(Binary Information), 虛弱密碼(Weakness Password), 基礎加密(Basic Encryption), 目錄遊走(Directory Traversal), 輸入驗證(Input Validation), 身份詐欺(Cookie Spoofing), 資料注入(SQL Injection), 雜湊函數(Hash Function), 會話節持(Session Hijacking) 等… |
WarGame Expertise #2 | 基本編碼(Basic Encode), 進階雜湊(Advanced Hash), 基本認證(Basic Authentication), 進階認證(Advance Authentication), 逆向工程(Binary Reversing), 資訊隱寫(Steganography), 進階加密標準(Advanced Encryption Standard) 等… |
WarGame Expertise #3 | 基本腳本(Basic Javascript), 進階腳本(Advanced Javascript), Flash物件認證(Flash Authentication), Java應用認證(JavaAppet Authentication), 檔案反譯(Binary Decompile), 網路監聽(Network Sniffer), 位址參照(HTTP Referer), 網頁標頭(HTTP Header), 指令入注(Command Injection) 等… |
ISDA 資安實作 – 專業人員認證
– ISDA Certificated Security WarGame Specialist (CSWS)
WarGame Specialist #1 | NTLM Hash, Spoiler Encode, Geolocation, Information Hiding, Privacy Proxy, Steganography, Paleography, Crack Me, Key-generate Me, Service Detection 等… |
WarGame Specialist #2 | Web Hacking, Advanced Web Hacking, File Inclusion, Command Injection, Privilege Bypass, Directory Bypass, Paleography, SQL Injection, Packet Capture, File Recovery 等… |
ISDA 資安實作 – 大師技能認證
– ISDA Certificated Security WarGame Maestro (CSWM)
WarGame Maestro #1 | 逆向工程大師 – Binary File, PE Header, Reversing engineering, Anti-debugging, API Hooking … |
WarGame Maestro #2 | 加密解密大師 – Cryptography, Algorithm, Digital Signatures … |
對資安有興趣,想成為資安專家嗎? 這些 “資安實作關卡” 能理解或突破多少? 趕快來嘗試看看!
註:ISDA The WarGame World 並非證照考試認證內容,認證(Certificated)內容將需要有對資安更多的技術與理解能力